Well getting the big loom up and running today won’t be happening after all which…. with night falling on the cold city at 4pm now I’m not particularly sore about—a true night off!
Gigantic loom goes here. Outlet not really necessary…
We were going to watch the “First Man” but ended up first spending time picking out Christmas gifts and then dancing to 60s tunes my mom picked out. There are a remarkable number of songs that are instructions for how to dance to that song. I’ll make a list and post that soon!
Speaking of posting soon… while we were in Amsterdam I diligently wrote in our travel journal every day, but in Budapest I was just too overwhelmed and also just too busy every minute to keep it up. I’m thinking I’d like to go fill that in while I still remember the trip relatively well, and also write a few posts about the many beautiful and moving things we saw there—some truly life changing exhibits. So maybe I’ll try to get to that next… maybe this weekend.