That word that looks like “wond” is really “wound”
One of the biggest issues I have in making stuff is not finishing it fast enough. At the beginning I feel free to work on the thing, but as time passes projects become calcified, ridged, and scary. What only recently was something fun and exploratory becomes something I have to live up to, as though I’m always losing skill as time goes on rather than gaining it.
That’s a bit what happened to my writing project to go with a set of six photos by Julya. I’ve been carrying around the notebook in my bag for a month and a bit and notice a mounting anxiety that I should work on it when feeling extra inspired and poetic. Blech.
So I forced myself to write thirteen pages of it just now and actually I’m quite happy with them. I was also bribing myself… now that that’s done I’m going to make a cup of Ovaltine.